
Prof. Bong Jae Lee visits the University of Utah and the METAC Group (Nov. 2016)

Prof. Bong Jae Lee, Associate Professor at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), visited the University of Utah to give a seminar titled “Tailoring Radiative Properties with Nanostructures for Solar Thermal Applications”. See his seminar flyer here.

Prof. Bong Jae Lee presenting for the Mechanical Engineering Department


Prof. Bong Jae Lee visits with long time friend and collaborator, Prof. Kay Park, and tours METCL


Here, Prof. Bong Jae Lee presents the thermal science approach to solar energy conversion



Engineering Day (Nov. 2016)

Introducing concepts of nanoscale energy conversion and atomic force microscopy to future U of U engineering students.

John (Mathieu Francoeur’s student) introduces the radiation lab to attentive students


Mohammad discusses his experiments as the students have their first clean room experience


Amun uses the LEGO® AFM to introduce students to concepts of atomic force microscopy